Zephyr Education Inc

Zephyr Education Inc is an Australian charity that supplies children who have to change schools because of domestic and family violence with uniforms and everything else they need to restart their education as quickly as possible.

Zephyr Education Inc is a community based charity run entirely by volunteers, which started in Queensland in 2013 and now operates in every Australian State and Territory.

Children who have to flee their homes because of domestic and family violence (DFV), often with just the clothes they are wearing, also have to leave the one place where they feel safe – their school. Imagine having to leave behind all your school friends and start at a different school without the right uniform and without the same books and other school items as your new classmates. These children face heightened risks of falling behind in their education and being bullied because they look different.

The DFV shelters that care for these families cannot provide the children with the educational support they so urgently need. This is where Zephyr Education steps in. We supply these children with uniforms, shoes, school bags, textbooks, stationery, swim packs and everything else they will need at their new school. This even includes a laptop or an iPad if the child needs one for educational purposes. We also pay resource fees for access to school programs as well as sports fees and camp fees to ensure the children don’t miss out on these important activities.

We provide our support at a critical time in these young lives and now, as a result of our partnership with Audi Foundation, many more of these vulnerable children will arrive at their new schools with renewed confidence and with a real opportunity of successfully resuming their education.

We do not meet the children we help because of the need for confidentiality. However, we frequently receive emails from case workers at DFV shelters describing the impact of our assistance. Here are just two examples:

1. For (the child) to start school with brand new uniforms like the majority of the other kids in her class, was such a huge moment. Being able to pick them out herself and try them on meant that she felt comfortable going to the school and knowing that she was just like all the other kids starting this year. She has been given an opportunity to have something new when previously all she has ever been given is second-hand clothes that are too big or too small, and never comfortable.

2. I just wanted to provide some positive feedback from our clients who have been fortunate to access school supplies for their children this year. We have had so many messages from mothers who are so appreciative of your services. We thank you for your support and wanted you to know that your impact provides hope and opportunity for all of our vulnerable clients who otherwise may not have been able to provide the essentials for their children to attend school.